Signed in as:
My name is Bouchra El Amine, I am a trauma informed energy healer and plant medicine guide. Trained in Reiki, Qigong, somatic practices and shamanic sacred space holding. I am a sound bath guide, a breathwork facilitator, feminine embodiment and spiritual coach.
I was born & raised in Morocco, and moved to Canada in 2000.
I used to live between the two fabulous cities of Montreal and Toronto, but my journey has now led me to settle down in Windsor/Essex since 2021.
And before I found myself working with energy, I was just like you, seeking answers, and ways to become a better human being, ways to heal and accept what life has challenged me with, and seeking to achieve my highest potential.
I am today all the things I listed above, but I started officially as a Reiki Master Teacher, been practicing since 2018. I have developed intuitive healing, in which I use healing touch, light code and acupressure, and I am currently a Qigong Practitioner and student of ZYQ Qigong School as well.
I have a Bachelor in Human Sciences, along with a degree in Business Studies from Concordia, and currently studying under Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes to become a Certified Life Coach.
I launched in 2021 Sacred Souls Retreats in order to serve the collective a beautiful holistic and spiritual retreat with events in Ontario and Quebec.
I have walked a life full of ups and downs, that has lead me to this purpose/passion of mine to help, to guide and hold space for the collective to heal.
I dived into learning energy work after seeking a holistic approach to healing for myself.
I went through severe mental health issues due to life hardships and accumulated trauma, and seeked the help of traditional Western medicine, prescribed medication, psychotherapy, individually and in groups, years of waiting for it to pass, for something to change, eating healthy,juicing, exercising..Researching and experimenting with everything, it wasn't enough, it wasn't doing the trick for me. I needed more, so I turned to other non traditional modalities and started learning about oriental philosophies, homeopathic medicine, and one thing lead to another, I ended up signing up for my first Reiki session, I understood nothing of it, my logical skeptical human brain didn't understand this concept of no touch healing, but I was too curious and trusted the person who sent me to that healer. In fact, after my session, I was mind blown of what happened, how much of a blissful state I was in and well being I felt after.
The journey towards energy healing started right then and there: I said to myself, I want to do what she does!
I invested time and energy to learn, dig deeper and connect with teachers in my area. I started looking at life through a different lense, the energetic lense and the universal life force abstract concept. I started understanding myself better, tapping into my energy field and tracking sensations, and my soul just craved more and more.
I started incorporating everything I could put my hands on, yoga, meditation, breathwork, crystal therapy, pendulums, aromatherapy, and went to all kinds of personal development and midfulness workshops. Until one day, I signed up for the initiation to Reiki and discovered the most beautiful gift of life, energy healing.
Energy surrounds us, is within us and we are all made of energy, and therefore working with our energy is vital to regaining our power and holistically managing ourselves.
How successful we come out from hardships and struggle depends on how much work we decide to put in to the journey to healing and wellness. I am here to help in that journey, wherever you are at. The hardest step is the first, the step to surrender and trust. With a little guidance and nudge in the right direction, we can achieve so much.
I believe that we are all fundamentally able to change and that we can all rejoice in our blessings, and be our very best selves with a deep dive within, a little help, focus, consistency, faith, perseverance and of course energy work, to work with our inner self and live in consciousness.
One of my core values is to be of service, contribute to spread love, joy and light around me, in any way that I can, to the best of my abilities, with integrity, compassion and with my best intentions at heart. I trust in the divine alignment of things and that life happens for us, not to us. We are all connected, we don't cross paths with people randomly. There is a divine plan, and all is meant for our highest good.
If we choose to look beyond our mere existence as one, we can strive to create something better for us, a way of coming together and empowering each other. I am here for it all! I am here to serve the collective to elevate and expand in kindness to self and others.
First of all, I have always been connected to the Earth, the elements, and the grand creation of the Divine. I grew up by the beach in Rabat, Morocco and the smell of the sea, the depths of the water, the salty taste, the sound of the waves, and the sand in my feet nourrishes my all my senses and will forever feed my heart and soul; something about the beach that has me reconnecting with a deeper part of me. Like I am one with God. The sand grounds me, the ocean rejuvenates me, and the sight of it all humbles me as I bow to the grandiosity of the Almighty and His creation.
My journey towards energy healing started in 2012 in Miami at the beach of course. I have a special bond with the city of Miami, because that’s when it all started, as magical moment of enlightenment happened.
I was walking on the beach, taking in the divine beauty of it all, found a quiet place and sat down. At the touch of the sand, then the sea, I felt waves of energy going through my body, like never before, the top of my head was pulsating. I finally closed my eyes, I found myself bathing in this bright white light. I had never felt anything like it before, I opened my eyes, looked to the sky and there was this one cloud in the sky looking at me, in the shape of a face. The cloud was staring at me, as if God Himself was presenting himself to me, making himself known. Many encounters and revelations happened after that, through people, through clouds shifting, through book s flying out of libraries.
I started meeting people who were meant to show me the way. The journey to my spiritual awakening began. I started being curious about other religions, apart from Islam, my birth religion. I read about Judaism, went to Israel and traveled all the holy sites, read about Buddhism, met with Tibetan monks, started practicing yoga, hot yoga, mudras, meditation, and nourishing my soul from every workshop I could put my hands on: from dream explanations, to sound baths. I traveled the world, from Europe to South Africa, to Cambodia to Colombia to only name a few...
Of course, I ended up in a transformational path that lead me straight to plant medicine, and psychedelics to expand the mind beyond the logical realms of understanding life, thougth patterns and behaviours. Many things had happened throughout the course of my life, since childhood, that got me questioning it all, as trauma was embedded in layers of my being. I went searching for meaning, and purpose, and tirelessly looking for ways to heal. I lived through sexual abuse, addiction, I lost my 24 year old brother too soon, my dad, experienced heartbreak, betrayal, personal failure and disapointment, dropped out of university. But then again, I seemed successful and functional, I worked in high end retail, in business consulting, got into a high paying work in political lobbying, finally became an entrepreneur and started a daycare business, all the while experiencing major depression, ptsd, drowning in abusive relationships, got married, had a beautiful babygirl, then divorced and went on being a single mom and living through all the ups and downs of life, spinning in and out of control. It comes a point where enough was enough! I needed an out! I needed serious saving, some sort of salvation to take me out of the spiraling emotional distress I found myself into, although intertwined with many blessings.
One day, I went to my first reiki session in Montreal, and opened up the door to self empowerment. That session ended with a suggestion of the practitioner and it triggered in me the need for change, like real change. I finally seeked help from everywhere I could and did my shadow work. I went to see therapists and group counselling for grief and sexual abuse, massage therapists, hypnotherapists, reiki healers, meditation & breathwork guides, even went to see shamans, medicine experts, and experienced with ayuahasca, and mushroom ceremonies to leave no stone unturned and definitely gave myself all the chances to find that inner peace. I was saging, energy cleansing myself, my family, my house. I was purging my life every way I could. I was praying, I did full moon, new moon rituals, and intention settin.
I am a big fan as well of Tony Robbins and his teachings, and his way of empowering people. I went back to Miami often to his conferences: Unleash the power within, and date with destiny were big pivotal moments for me. I did so much work, I created vision boards and used every other tool to hold myself accountable, and I humbly can say I have succeeded because one day, I was ready to contribute and share some of that wisdom I had accumulated, and embodied. I went back to university to finish my undergrad, so I can get into a Master's degree in Psychotherapy and Counselling.
In fact, I did so much work on myself, I thought it was time I share everything that I now know with all the people, especially women who are going through the same thing. I started volunteering in community centers, grief groups, women’s shelters, domestic abuse houses, etc . I finally was feeling the calling and started my life coaching practice to serve these women, and wanted to make an impact individually. As I dove into helping and serving others, I still needed more, I wanted/needed special powers to alleviate people’s suffering. I was asking the universe for help and to give me access to that kind of healing power... that’s when I was presented with the opportunity to take the Reiki initiation, and I never stopped after that. I have gifts and talents I don't even fully understand yet, and I am learning as it comes.
I’ve been practicing Reiki since 2018, and teaching since 2019 and I have impacted hundreds and hundreds of people who I had the privilege to know.
This is my path, my dharma, my passion.
I don't have my life all figured out but I sure am doing my best to fulfill my purpose everyday I breathe and live
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